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We curated a series of projects based on skill level. Each project comes with multiple rubrics to assist with grading along with Keynote and Powerpoint presentations. Use a combination of our videos and customizable documents that can be used in any classroom. 

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Teach your students how to make a coil pot with our step-by-step guides and presentations.


Teach your students how to make a slab vase with our step-by-step guides and presentations.

Velvet_LG-10_Slab Box.png
Velvet_LG-10_Slab Box.png

Teach your students how to make a slab pot with our step-by-step guides ad presentations.


Teach your students how to make a textured slab plate with our step-by-step guides ad presentations.

Velvet Cup.png
Velvet Cup.png

Teach your students how to make a pinch pot with our step-by-step guides and presentations.

ceramics I

Ceramics I
pinch pots
with painterly detail
coil pots
with sgraffito
slab pots
with stencils

Teach your students how to make a slab box with our step-by-step guides and presentations.

ceramics II

multisided slab boxes
with underglaze transfer
soft slab vases
with mishima
textured slab plates
with sgraffito
Ceramics II

document templates

use the blank documents provided below to supplement these projects.
lesson plans
record worksheets

Click the button below to view & download our blank Form & Glaze Rubrics. 


Click the button below to view & download our blank Technical Record Worksheets. 


Click the button below to view & download our blank Lesson Plan Templates. 


Documen Templates
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